Real Estate Law
- Transfer of land ownership by purchase, donation, exchange
- Contracts on pre-emption, purchase and repurchase
- Preliminary agreements
- Settlement switzerland
- Division of property and consolidation of parcels of land
- Establishment of co-ownership including regulations
- Establishment of condominium ownership including rules governing administration and use
- Contracts on usufructs and rights of residence
- Contracts on buildings rights
- Easement agreements, such as agreements on boundaries-buildingrights, on rights of way, on pipes, cables and conduits for water, gas, electricity, on sourcing rights
- Agreements on real burdens
- Pledge agreements (mortgage, register mortgage certificates and mortgage certificates on paper)
- Applications for annulment of charges on property (applicable annulment procedure)
- Applications for approval of property purchases by persons outside Switzerland (Lex Koller)
- Applications for approval of agricultural land purchases (BGBB)
- Real estate transactions (structuring and transfer of property portfolios)
- Land register law
- Neighbour law
- Profit-sharing right, leasehold law
- Formation of public limited companies for agricultural businesses
Law on contracts for work and services, mandate law, purchase law
- Contractor Agreements and Constortium agreements (agreements between construction companies and joint venture groups)
- Construction defects and repairs, assertion of or defence against claims for warranty and compensation
- Building contractor’s charge
- Additional claims arising from contract for work or services
- Designer/planner claims arising from contracts for work and services and agency contracts
- Rental contracts and threir entry in the land register