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Awarded in the fields of
• construction and planning law
• real estate law
• energy and environmental law
• inheritance and estate law
Urs Hofstetter-Arnet, Partner
lic. iur. Attorney at Law, Certified Specialist SBA Construction and Real Estate Law

Professional activities

since 2003

Attorney at Law and Certified Specialist SBA Construction and Real Estate Law, Founding Partner at Hofstetter Advokatur & Notariat, Lucerne


Attorney at Law at the Canton of Lucerne Department for Nature and Countryside Conservation


Attorney at Law at the Canton of Lucerne Legal Services Office of the Department for Construction, Environment and Economic Affairs

Head of the Swiss Regional Planning Association (VLP), Central Switzerland Section, on a part-time basis


Attorney at Law at the County Court of Lucerne-Land, Magistrates’ Office Lucerne-City

Internships with legal practices and the courts as well as internship at the Land Registry Office of Lucerne-Land

Education and Training


Certified Specialist SBA Construction and Real Estate Law


CAS Construction and Real Estate Law, Institute for Swiss and International Construction Law, University of Fribourg


Called to the bar

Gained law degree (lic. iur.) from the University of Bern

Other activities


Lecturer at the Foundation for Legal Education, Lucerne


President of the Association for Public Procurement, Lucerne


Member of the Bar Examination Board of the Canton of Lucerne